Implement a powerful Identity Access Management platform
360ID is a potent, secure & complete Identity Access Management (IAM) platform suitable for B2C, B2B, and B2E companies. With 360ID, manage the end user’s (collaborators & clients) digital identity, company structure, and shared resources. Plus, easily integrate apps and customized solutions.
How can 360ID help?
Discover all of its benefits.
Improve user experience
Solve user identity management issues for all company applications consistently and cross-sectionally.
Reduce password issues
Save time and provide simplicity and convenience for users.
Enhance security protocols
Guarantee integrity and safeguard user information.
Boost efficiency within security teams
Accelerate your digital transformation journey. Upgrade your regulatory compliance.
Reduce IT operating & development costs
Take advantage of cost savings reducing the need for employee intervention.
Main Features
360ID has unique capabilities to boost your identity access management needs.
Universal login & Single Sign On
360ID provides Single Sign On , which allows users to authenticate once and access any integrated app without needing to re-enter credentials.
Social Login and user federation
Identity Brokering allows users to authenticate with social identity or any identity provider supporting openID Connect or SAML.
Customizable UI to sign in users
Customized login form to match the company brand.
Organization management console
Create company profiles, manage tenant settings and contacts, custom profiles and invite users.
User self-service
Platform provides user account management so users can manage their own account. Integrated apps can delegate it these features.